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3-D High School Program

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InTEXTicated? / Illinois Teens Public Service Campaign

AAIM understands the changing world in which we live, where impaired driving is becoming far too normalized. Whether it be alcohol, drug, or technology impairment, we want to encourage drivers to be safe on the road and believe change begins with our youth. Our 3D program, Dangerous Driving Decisions, focuses on choices and making the right choice when we get behind the wheel.

There are many choices that we have to make every day that can either benefit or harm us. When driving on the road, the choices we make are on a life or death basis. We at AAIM are constantly working to promote the choices that keep drivers alive and safe. AAIM to save lives by choosing to never make dangerous driving decisions. Teachers and administrators have an influence in the lives of their students as well. Make it a positive influence by inviting AAIM to speak at your school.

Your Influence
Research shows that parent disapproval is the number one deterrent for underage drinking, impaired driving, and texting while driving. Children also not only care about what their parents say, but follow what they do. Speaking with your child about these dangerous driving decisions and making sure that you are setting a good example can save their life. A simple conversation regarding your disapproval of these issues and setting a positive example could be the encouragement your child needs to avoid taking that first sip, smoking that first joint, sending that first message, and making that first decision to drive impaired.

Did You Know?

  • Sending a text while driving has been proven to be equivalent to driving the length of a football field at 55 mph with your eyes closed

  • The brain does not fully mature until age 25, underage alcohol or marijuana consumption affects the still developing brain and can cause long term negative effects

  • A study done by AAA showed that cell phone use while driving distracts drivers up to 27 additional seconds after the use of the cellular device is completed

  • A driver is impaired for an additional 27 seconds after sending or reading a text

  • Drivers who drive distracted are 6 times more likely to get in a crash than an alcohol or drug impaired driver

  • It is illegal in Illinois to use your phone while driving

  • Drivers over 21 are permitted to use a hands-free device to communicate

  • 9 people die and 1000 people are injured everyday in a crash where at least one driver was distracted

  • The crash death rate of males aged 16-19 was more than double of their female counterparts of the same age other passengers are the top distraction for teen drivers

  • Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death  for teens in the US.

  • Using an electronic device while driving will result in the following: First offense: $75 fine Second offense: $100 Third offense: $125 Additional offenses: $150

  • In Illinois, if great bodily harm or death results from the use of an electronic device while driving, the penalty is 1-3 years in prison, a fine of $25,000, or both

  • 2018, 27% of crashes in Illinois involved alcohol

  • 36.5% of Motor vehicle deaths in 2018 involved alcohol

  • In 2018, teen drivers accounted for 2.9% of roadway fatalities. 13.3% of those involved alcohol

  • For every one percent increase in speed, a driver’s chance of a crash increases by two percent, the chance of a serious injury increases by three percent, and the chance of a fatality increases by four percent.

  • After alcohol, marijuana is the drug most often found in the blood of drivers involved in crashes.

“Some people still don’t know how dangerous distracted driving is. Others know about the risks of texting and talking while driving, but still choose to do so anyway. They make the mistake of thinking the statistics don’t apply to them, that they can defy the odds.”

– National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


The Faces of Tragedy

3D - Dangerous
​Driving Decisions

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