Prevention and Education Program

AAIM Prevention and Education Specialists service the Chicagoland Communities, increasing public awareness, and knowledge about the dangers of impaired driving, underage drinking, alcohol and drug misuse, distracted driving, speeding, and other risky driving behaviors.

What We Do

AAIM provides programs to reduce excessive alcohol/drug misuse and work to prevent impaired driving and impaired driving crashes for all ages. We promote alcohol and drug-free events throughout the year, particularly in high schools and local community events, with appropriate emphasis on high-risk events, such as homecoming, spring break, prom, graduation, and various community festivals. In addition, AAIM provides public awareness events and activities to promote our services that are essential to reaching people in the community, including underserved groups. AAIM community engagement events help promote positive change in neighborhoods throughout the Chicago Metropolitan Area. These include various interactive safe driving events with law enforcement, traffic safety enthusiasts, and like-minded organizations for the public of all ages.

AAIM collaborates with the Illinois Secretary of State Driver Education Programs. We take students beyond the basics of driver education and give a deeper understanding of the impact of making good choices, the lifelong consequences of poor decision making, and how to become the best driver possible.

Speaker’s Bureau

AAIM speakers are well received at high schools, colleges, and middle schools, before civic groups, law enforcement agencies, and victim impact panels to encourage prevention, create awareness and illustrate the consequences of underage drinking, impaired, reckless, and distracted driving. 

Beyond Driver Education Presentation 

This program targets high school students preparing to drive or have recently received their driver’s license. Teens learn about the dangers of impaired, reckless, and distracted driving, the impact underage drinking and drug use can have on their developing brain and body, the effects of substance misuse, the importance of good decision making, and important traffic safety laws and regulations.

This program and topics can be modified to fit each school’s class schedule.

Youth Victim Impact Panel

The AAIM YVIP program is designed to help prevent underage drinking, drinking and driving, and other related dangerous decisions resulting from impairment. AAIM’s goals are to encourage our youth to have open, honest communication with their parents; reduce alcohol and drug-related incidents; prevent recidivism, impact choices related to peer pressure, and increase accountability.

This program encourages teens and young adults to make good choices, thus decreasing behaviors that put themselves and others at risk, while being reminded that their arrest or infraction does not have to dictate their future and they can choose to make better choices going forward. 

Community Outreach Program

Having a new teen driver can be scary for parents. This program helps educate parents and give them the tools to talk to their teens, set healthy boundaries for safe driving, prevent underage alcohol use, and alert them of warning signs to look for in their teens. 

Research shows that parent disapproval is the number one deterrent for underage drinking.  Kids that learn from their parents about the dangers of underage drinking, illicit drugs, dangerous driving decisions and other risky behaviors are less likely to make poor choices.

AAIM’s Community Outreach Program will provide you with expert advice designed to be used for both middle and high school students.


Each month, AAIM Prevention and Education Specialists publish a traffic safety-themed newsletter. We feature traffic safety tips, prevention messages, legislative updates, statistics, AAIM updates, Illinois traffic safety history, and victim stories. You can subscribe to these e-newsletters directly on AAIM’s website and access past issues at


Since March 2020, AAIM has hosted the “Are You InTEXTicated?” campaign. This campaign AAIMs to educate the public on the dangers of distracted driving. Distracted driving is more than just phone use and can be shown in the form of visual, manual, or cognitive distraction. A traffic safety award is given to a local high school student or community group whose 30-second PSA video creates the greatest
social impact each year. 

The Mission of the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) is to prevent deaths and injuries caused by chemically impaired or distracted operators of any motor vehicle or watercraft and to assist victims of these crashes in Illinois.

Road safety has become one of the world’s largest health concerns, with an estimated 3.9 million emergency room visits for motor vehicle traffic injuries every year.

Prevention and education strategies can save lives and improve the safety for everyone traveling on the road.

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Prevention & Education


The Faces of Tragedy

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